Sung to the tune of The Supremes “Where did our love go”
You may have noticed—I am rarely at a loss for words and I have an opinion about almost everything. During most of 2019, my blog was my favorite outlet for sharing my ideas. So what happened?
The last two years, Ron and I have taken the month of September off to travel. This gave my siblings plenty of advanced notice so they could plan to travel to North Carolina to keep our dad company while Ron and I were out of town. To make sure that Ron got a slice of my attention, I planned not to write my regular blog posts during our travels.
Back to real life
My re-entry into regular life, work and spending time with Dad, took time to work through when October rolled around. By November, we were seeing early signs that Dad was going to have a rough winter. By Christmas, he was clearly declining and, along with him, my bandwidth. During those months, I had plenty to say, but little that I wanted to post on my website! My focus narrowed to working with Ron to take care of Dad as best we could and keeping fueled and rested enough to take on each new day. Working with clients was a welcome respite—an escape into the world of someone else’s challenges. But I didn’t have a scrap to share with the world, so no blog posts.
Christmas 2019
All good things must end
Dad had a blessedly short decline and died on February 8th. True to his nature, he was active right up until the end—in church on Sunday, out to dinner on Tuesday, died on Saturday—at 98! Since his death, my bandwidth has been devoted to all of the details of honoring a lost loved one and the more practical matters that go along with it…not to mention trying to process the hole in my heart left by his loss. But my blog will be back because I still have plenty of ideas to share, it’ll just take time.
In loving memory
In the meantime, if you’re so inclined, check out Dad’s online obituary and the story our local TV station ran about his death:
WXII12 Winston-Salem Dash fan Les Agnello dies
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Investment advisor representative of and investment advisory services offered through Garrett Investment Advisors, LLC, a fee-only SEC registered investment advisor. Tel: (910) FEE-ONLY. Fair Winds Financial Advice may offer investment advisory services in the States of North Carolina and Texas and in other jurisdictions where exempted.